Friday, November 6, 2009

Deals & Coupons

Hi Y'all!!

  I just wanted to share a few resources that I've found in Altanta.  Times are hard and were all trying to find the best deals.

Daily Candy

I was a subscriber to the NYC version delivered into my in box everyday until I moved.  I was more than delighted to find out that there's a version for Atlanta! So when I get some money in these empty pockets I'll know where to find exclusive deals, sample sales and stuff to do.  If you set up a profile you can save things to your favorites and view your comments.


I'm not quite sure how I stumbled upon this site, but they give out some good deals.  The screen shot above is what I received today. Yesterday's deal was really good!

$50 for $100 worth of spa services!!! I really should of grabbed that deal.  I also like how there are reviews of the featured places.


Duh, we all know about Yelp! It's so much more fun to use Yelp in a bigger city.  I pretty much check out anything and everything on Yelp. You can click on Hawt on Yelp and find deals and savings.

I found my new car wash on Yelp! Southern Friends CarWash.  They have like a diner inside.  Who woulda thought that you can get your car cleaned and sit down and have a meal served to you or have one of there 10 flavors of ice cream.  They also give out popcorn.They also recycle 100% of their water.

They don't play in the cafe! I was thinking maybe hot dogs or something.... 

They also did a great job on my car. It did take a while but I got the  Southern Special $24 which was pretty intense.  My car hasn't been cleaned since before I moved here so it really needed a good cleaning. It's all shiny now and I can have people ride with me and not feel embarrassed. Click here for coupons..

I hope these help some of you guys.  I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for more local deals.

Luv Y'all
  Mean It!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Gimme Pepsi

Dear Great City of Atlanta,
   I understand that this is the Coca~Capital of the world... But this is still America!!!!  All I want a is Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi!!!

It's great that y'all have all 4 flavors of Fanta! Who knew that Strawberry & Pineapple soda could be so refreshing............

I just want some damn PEPSI!!!  Am I seriously going to have to call my momma and ask her to import the stuff?


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Be Back Soon

 Hi Y'all!

I'm here adjusting............  I promise to stop being MIA and post on what's been going on..

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